Biweekly amortization is essentially paying your mortgage more often in a month with half-payments instead of paying full payments every month to curtail your debt's interest and decrease the amount of time you'll have to shoulder your debt. There are more deadlines to face, sure, but it's worth it considering that you'll only have to deal with your mortgage for a shorter time overall. As for the amortization biweekly calculator, it's your primary method to calculate what payments you'll be making depending on the type of amortization you've chosen. There is more than one method of amortization available, and in order to choose right when it comes to which one suits you the most, you need to calculate how good they are.
Calculating Amortization Rates
¾ Biweekly amortization payments are half-payments done every two weeks, which is useful because most people get their paycheck every two weeks. Calculating biweekly payments entail dividing your normal monthly payment rate by two then pay that half-payment biweekly. This isn't the same as paying twice a month, because 30-31 days (or sometimes 28-29 days) take more than just four weeks to finish.
¾ Biweekly payments throughout the entire year take 26 payments, as opposed to 24. That's two additional payments and far less interest to deal with. You also won't deal with extra aggravation, because to be honest, you're paying the same amount anyway, only you're offering it a little faster than before. As for refinancing, you should consider doing this when interest rates drop for about 1% (the rates vary depending on the economy).
¾ Refinancing your loan to a new rate is a wise decision to make because you need loan terms that make financial sense. There are amortization calculators to show you exactly why this is so, and it's the same with the biweekly amortization in case the explanation above isn't enough and you want an actual demonstration on how exactly do you calculate amortization as accurately as possible. Visit here to find official website